Understanding Water Irrigation Systems and Their Types


We all know that water is one of the most crucial components of agriculture. It directly affects the crop. The growth and productivity of the crop depend on the availability of water. Farmers would struggle if enough water is not available for farming. Its efficient management would benefit agriculture in many ways.

So, in this blog, we will explore the water irrigation systems in detail.

  • What is a Water Irrigation System?

    A water irrigation system is a method of providing water to the crop in a controlled manner. It has significant use in regions where rainfall is irregular and water scarcity is high. Efficient water irrigation systems may transform the dry fields into green bountiful farms.

    There are four types of water irrigation systems. They are as follows:

    1. Surface Irrigation

    It is one of the oldest and most widely used traditional irrigation methods. In surface irrigation, water is allowed to flow freely across the farm by gravity. Flood, furrow, and basin irrigations are the types of surface irrigation.

    Flood irrigation is a simple method of irrigation where water is released onto the field till it floods. But it can cause soil erosion and waste of water.

    Furrow irrigation is a more efficient method than flood irrigation. Here, furrows are made between the crops. Water is released into these furrows.

    Basin irrigation is an effective method of irrigation where small pits (basins) are made at the bottom of each plant. Water is released into these basins.

    2. Sprinkler Irrigation

    In sprinkler irrigation, water is showered on the crop using crop sprinklers. It is more efficient than surface irrigation. However, water waste can happen due to wind and evaporation. Central pivot irrigation and lateral move irrigation are the two ways to sprinkle water on the crops.

    Central Pivot irrigation has a rotating sprinkler system mounted on wheeled towers. It sprinkles in a circular area. Hence, it is ideal for circular fields or large fields.

    Lateral Move Irrigation has a linear system that moves across the field in a straight line. It covers a large area on both sides of the vehicle. It is too ideal for large fields.

    3. Drip Irrigation

    Drip irrigation is one of the most water-conserving irrigation systems. It releases water directly to the plant roots through the network of tubes and pipes. Hence, it reduces water wastage and weed growth.

    This method is ideal for the areas where water is scarce. However, high installation and maintenance costs are the major disadvantages of drip irrigation.

    4. Subsurface Irrigation

    Subsurface irrigation releases water below the soil surface. Therefore, water directly reaches the roots. Water evaporation is one of the major factors in the wastage of water. However, in the subsurface irrigation method, water doesn’t run over the soil surface. Hence, it conserves water by reducing the water evaporation in the field.

    There are two ways of subsurface irrigation. These are sub-irrigation and seepage irrigation.

    The sub-irrigation method is used to supply water to the crop by underground pipes.

    Seepage irrigation helps to increase the water table of the field. It allows water to seep into the roots easily.

    Water irrigation systems are essential for the sustainable agriculture. Understanding different types of irrigation systems is beneficial for the crop as well as the environment. Also, it makes farming a profitable business for farmers.
