Carrot Farming Success: Farmer Transforms His Life, Earns Rs 1 Crore Per Year


For over 30 years, Phuman Singh Kaurra from Punjab has been steadily changing his family's fortunes through carrot farming. Starting with just 4.5 acres of land, he now owns over 80 acres, focusing primarily on carrots and seeds, earning more than Rs 1 crore annually. Phuman Singh's journey is a testament to resilience, determination, and the power of innovation in farming.

  • A Humble Beginning

    Phuman Singh grew up in a farming family in Paramjitpura, a village in Kapurthala, Punjab. As the youngest of six siblings, he saw firsthand the struggles his father and grandfather faced in their paddy and wheat fields. Poverty forced Phuman to discontinue his education after his second year of college. Unable to afford college fees, he started working in his family’s fields and also helped with their dairy farm.

    Realizing that wheat and paddy farming were not profitable in the long run, Phuman sought new ways to improve their financial situation.

    The Turning Point: Carrot Farming

    In 1993, Phuman Singh found his answer in carrot farming His village, known as Allupur, was already a hub for carrot cultivation, and he sought guidance from a local carrot farmer.

    However, the farmer discouraged him, claiming that carrot farming wasn’t for him.

    This rejection only fueled Phuman Singh’s determination. He began researching carrot farming by reading books and attending programs at Punjab Agricultural University. His first bold move was planting carrot seeds across the entire 4.5 acres of his family’s land. The result was a resounding success, and Phuman never looked back.

    Mastering the Art of Carrot Farming

    Over the years, Phuman Singh perfected his carrot farming techniques with the help of Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) programs and the support of his family. He learned about new carrot varieties, implemented efficient farming methods, and invested in machines to help with sowing and harvesting. As the quality of his carrots improved, his reputation grew. Today, Phuman no longer has to take his produce to distant markets — buyers come directly to his farm.

    The Power of Carrot Seeds

    As the land under cultivation expanded from 4.5 acres to over 30 acres, Phuman Singh decided to start growing his own carrot seeds. Initially, he used these seeds for his farm, but their high quality soon led to an opportunity to sell excess seeds. Today, Phuman produces enough seeds to plant over 650 acres of land and sells them for Rs 1,000 to Rs 1,500 per kilogram.

    Expanding His Legacy

    From owning just a small plot of land, Phuman Singh now has 37 acres of his own, with plans to lease another 13 acres to further expand his carrot farming operations. The carrots are typically sown between 15 September and 15 October and harvested from 20 December to 25 March, yielding an impressive 110-250 quintals per acre.

    Besides carrots, Phuman also cultivates rice and maize, which is harvested in September. His combined efforts now generate an annual income of Rs 1 crore, a remarkable transformation from his humble beginnings.

    A Life Transformed

    Thanks to carrot farming, Phuman Singh has been able to provide for his family in ways he never imagined. He has sent both his sons abroad for education, bought a house, and acquired the latest farming equipment. His success has not only changed his own life but also serves as an inspiration to other farmers.

    Phuman’s home has become a hub of knowledge for aspiring farmers. Every day, at least four farmers visit him to learn about carrot farming, and he is always willing to share his expertise. Whether it’s offering advice or visiting their farms for hands-on guidance, Phuman is committed to helping others succeed.

    A Message of Hope

    Phuman Singh’s journey from a struggling farmer to a successful entrepreneur highlights the importance of determination and innovation in agriculture. His story is a reminder that with the right mindset and willingness to learn, any farmer can turn challenges into opportunities.

    To every aspiring farmer, Phuman Singh offers this advice:
    “Don’t lose hope. All you need to succeed is determination. Nothing is impossible.”

    His incredible journey stands as proof that, with resilience and hard work, farmers can achieve prosperity even from the most modest beginnings.
