Save our Soil: Innovative Approaches to Combat Soil Erosion

Soil erosion is considered one of the leading problems of the environment these days. In recent times soil erosion has taken a major toll on the farming and forestation sector. Soil erosion in recent times has been taken into consideration by various organizations globally as a challenge. Prioritizing the Save Soil initiative is one of the major goals internationally.

Soil erosion is a major reason for the degradation of soil and the wearing away of soil. This leads to a reduction in the productivity of soil for farming and other uses. One of the trending challenges that is being considered on priority by environmentalists is soil erosion and its effects on the environment.

In this blog, we are going to thoroughly discuss soil erosion and its effect on various sectors globally.

But first, let us understand

What is soil erosion?

  • Soil erosion is the deterioration in the quality of soil due to wind, water, glaciers, and other factors of the environment. Soil erosion is one of the priority conditions that create the need for organizations like Precision Grow to operate on a global level. With the use of equipment and advanced technology Precision Grow can prove to be a boon for global tracking of soil erosion and help in reducing the same after studying the causes of the same.

    We can help evaluate the conditions and places where soil erosion is a major cause of reduced productivity.

  • Now let us understand:

    Effects of soil erosion

    Loss of topsoil:

  • The main effect which is important is the loss of topsoil. Degradation of farms by a reduction in topsoil is one of the ill effects on land which can lead to infertile soil from the point of view of farming. Apart from this, it can eventually also affect the rest of the land by turning it into barren land and can also lead to the destruction of forests.

  • Degradation of water quality:

  • Soil erosion has a major effect on the quality of water which can in turn lead to reduced productivity in agriculture and forest. Degraded water can degrade productive farms and natural vegetation due to a lack of nourishment.

  • Increased risk of flood:

  • Soil erosion can be very dangerous as it loses the capacity to withstand natural calamities and in turn, leads to conditions like floods. This can also lead to loss of land and productivity.

  • Loss of biodiversity:

  • Loss of vegetation can have a major impact on land, forest, and natural vegetation. This is because every life requires favorable conditions for growth and development and erosion of soil can make a favourable environment unfavorable for some or the other living being.

    Apart from this, several other effects lead to a major impact on the environment which are caused due to soil erosion.

  • Save Soil Initiative:

  • Nowadays many organizations are taking the initiative to help in the improvement of soil quality to restore the forests and fields creating major change in productivity.

    In recent times organizations like Isha Foundation have prioritized soil saving with Sadguru founder of Isha Foundation leading the initiative. This initiative has been acknowledged by the United Nations, Geneva, and WHO.

    In this initiative, the Isha Foundation has launched campaigns where they have taken over the testing and maintenance of soil at the national level and have successfully carried the same at the global level.

    At Precision Grow, we provide technologically advanced equipment and strategies that can go hand in hand with organizations who are actively looking to carry forward such initiatives that can help reduce soil erosion by mapping and restoring soil quality.

    It is one of the aims that we try to achieve i.e. to make the environment and conditions favorable for agriculture to help the growth of the agriculture industry by restoration of crops and trees to the maximum level of its capacity.

  • Conclusion:

  • Based on this blog we would like to conclude that with technological advancements and with the help of globally recognized organizations like Precision Grow and Isha Foundation’s collaborative efforts we can easily tackle such conditions of the environment on a higher scale and make the earth an environmentally favorable planet for living and vegetation.
