Understanding How Rainfall Affects Soil Erosion: The Physics Behind It

How rainfall interacts with soil plays a significant role in causing soil erosion, a major issue for sustainable soil management. Scientists have studied these interactions extensively and developed various equations and models to measure how much rainfall can cause erosion. This process, called rainfall erosivity, depends on several factors including the amount and intensity of the rainfall, as well as the energy of the raindrops. This article explains these factors in simpler terms and discusses their impact on soil erosion, focusing on rainfall and soil characteristics.


  • Key Attributes of Rainfall

    Two important factors in understanding how rainfall causes erosion are the amount of rain and the intensity of the rainfall. Rainfall intensity is the amount of rain that falls in a specific period, measured in millimeters per hour (mm/hr). The kinetic energy of raindrops is another crucial factor—it’s determined by the mass of the drops and how fast they hit the ground. This energy impacts the soil, causing particles to be dislodged and potentially washed away.

  • Measuring Rainfall Erosivity

    A common way to measure rainfall erosivity, developed by Wischmeier in 1959, combines the total kinetic energy of a storm with the highest 30-minute rainfall intensity. This measure is used in different regions, like in Europe by Panagos et al. in 2015, to understand and manage soil erosion on a large scale.

  • Other Sources of Water-Induced Erosion

    Besides rainfall, other sources like snowmelt and irrigation also contribute to soil erosion, especially in northern regions such as Canada and Russia. These sources aren't usually included in basic rainfall erosivity calculations but are still important for a complete understanding of erosion.

  • Soil Properties and Erodibility

    Infiltration and Runoff
    Soil characteristics influence how much water runs off the surface and how resistant the soil is to erosion. Water can either soak into the soil (infiltration) or flow along the surface (runoff). The amount of water that infiltrates depends on the intensity and characteristics of the rainfall, the slope of the land, and the soil's ability to absorb water.

    Factors Affecting Infiltration
    Water infiltration into soil is driven by gravity and the attraction between soil particles and water. The infiltration rate is affected by the size and continuity of soil pores and how wet the soil already is. Soil texture, which includes the proportions of sand, silt, and clay, is the main factor influencing infiltration. Organic matter, past cultivation, and vegetation also play roles.

    Soil Texture and Erodibility
    The size of soil particles and aggregates (clumps of soil) is crucial in determining how easily soil can be eroded. Clay soils stick together and resist erosion, while sandy soils are less likely to be transported due to their large particle size. Silt and loamy soils, with a mix of sand, silt, and clay, are the most prone to erosion.

    Aggregation and Stability
    Microaggregates (small clumps) are tightly bound and resist erosion, while macroaggregates (larger clumps) are more loosely bound and less resistant. The stability of these aggregates depends on binding agents like organic matter and microbial substances.

    Surface Roughness
    Surface roughness, created by large soil clumps or rocks, increases friction and reduces the erosive power of water. However, rocks can sometimes concentrate water flow and increase local erosion.

  • Topography and Vegetation

    Influence of Topography
    The shape and slope of the land directly impact erosion. Steeper slopes increase the speed and erosive power of water runoff, leading to more erosion. On uniform slopes, erosion is usually higher at the bottom. Complex slopes with curves concentrate water flow in concave areas, where gullies (small channels) often form.

  • Vegetation's Protective Role

    Vegetation helps reduce soil erosion in several ways:

    Interception: Plants intercept rainfall, reducing the amount that hits the soil directly.

    Protection: Vegetation shields the soil from raindrop impact, preventing particle detachment.

    Protection: Vegetation shields the soil from raindrop impact, preventing particle detachment.

    Infiltration: Plant roots improve soil structure, increasing water infiltration and reducing runoff.

    Resistance: Roots also make soil more resistant to erosion by water flow.

    Friction: Vegetation increases surface roughness, slowing down water flow and reducing its erosive energy.

    More vegetation leads to greater protection against erosion. For example, moving from cropland to grassland to forest, the soil becomes more resistant to erosion, and runoff decreases.

  • Conclusion

    Understanding the physics of how rainfall affects soil is essential for managing and reducing soil erosion. By examining rainfall erosivity, soil properties, topography, and vegetation, we can develop effective strategies to mitigate erosion and promote sustainable soil management. These factors highlight the complexity of soil erosion and the need for comprehensive approaches to address this global challenge.
